My Fookin' Followers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Wood of Trust and Truth

"The Wood of Trust and Truth"

Not too long ago,
and not so far away,
he would sit and wonder,
why she'd gone away,

and hidden by the night time,
sheltered from the day,
he would try and keep Her,
at arm's length; at bay.

but shadows will be melted,
and questions go astray,
when answers do not matter,
the Heart will have it's say.

within his castle, so strong,
and circled by their stone,
he shivered and cried anguish,
merely flesh and bone.

the walls were raised in terror,
their mortar was his fear,
and no soul could ever climb them,
and none inside could hear,

his song was sung unheeded,
his Heart made cold as steel,
and yet he held to Passion,
and Love his high ideal,

he thought he'd found that in her,
and happily was lost,
his Heart he thought had melted,
the steel removed of frost,

but truth cannot be forged,
and Love cannot be won,
Passion is not contest,
and two cannot be one.

her speech had yet bewitched him,
within his castle, high,
and poisoned blood would follow,
her every word a lie.

yet far from him there was hope,
in the woods beyond his home,
She was fair and loyal,
and love was all She'd shown,

to him it was still hidden,
this Keeper of his Heart,
but She would still protect him,
and play his reason's part.

for clouded by her weaving,
of illusion and of scheme,
he couldn't know her leaving,
would reveal the hope unseen.

he could not escape reason,
nor hide inside his dome,
the Truth would sell his freedom,
and lies he'd not condone.

for tho' she'd left him empty,
helpless and bereaved,
the True Key would yet turn him,
away from heartache's sea.

She had always been there,
and not once approved of her,
and She had sought to hold him,
protected from the lure,

the lure of falsehoods uttered,
as if they were yet true,
She sought to keep him painless,
and sought to love him too,

and tho' he could not see Her,
beyond his self-raised wall,
She had ever been there,
and listened for his call.

the call She was expecting,
with Heart and Soul in hand,
and never once suspecting,
his wings would ever land,

but land they did at last,
and blindly he sought Her out,
knowing not his reason,
with sorrow in his shout,

the clouds had at last lifted,
and shown him for a fool,
having wanted Passion,
he'd been, himself, a tool,

by which she had amused self,
and which she had put down,
when finally she vanished,
in memory he'd drown.

he was cursed, of that he was sure,
and it was his own fault, for hearing her lure,
but nothing new is ever done,
by those who walk under the sun,
and poisons grow where they will,
without a care for good or ill,
beyond the time when we are blind,
there is still more that we can find,
it's called True Love, and it is real,
but only when we WANT to feel,
can we find that which we seek,
the Heart to heal, from foot to peak,
of mountain tall, and valley low,
not too far or long ago,
beyond the veil of lust or tooth,
within the wood of Trust and Truth,

(flesh and bone and mind are all,
very well and useful,
but only one who hears the Call,
can bear the Love that's truthful)

She heard his call and answered,
when he was torn and bled,
She knew he had yet suffered,
and feared his Heart was dead.

But when he came upon Her,
waiting for him still,
he knew at last the answer;
her memory he'd kill.

for she had oft betrayed him,
and stated good intent,
but never did she answer,
when his song he sent.

Always it had been Her,
forever and a day,
She would never cut him,
or hurt him in that way.

She'd tried Her best to warn him,
to keep him from this pain,
She'd held him when he was broken,
loved him time and again,

as friend and lover, in passion and comrade,
as concsience and as armor,
in good times and in bad,
She had always been there,
She had always cared,
She had rejoiced with him,
and soothed him when he was scared,

seeing now his scars, and crying for him too,
She knew that She could heal him,
if he would let Her do,
what She most desired, he would come to feel,
when Her true Love for him,
would melt his Heart of Steel.

and honest this time was he,
with himself and with her now,
he knew that he had been wrong,
and wondered She at how,

how he'd come to find Her,
at last among the wood,
how he had seen Love here,
and wondered if he could.

could he care for Her now,
could it be so true,
couldn't he be fleeing,
from the pain imbued?

but time will cure our ailments,
and time will heal all lies,
and time did show Her answers,
True Love within his eyes.

it is not decision, nor wholly abject fate,
but somewhere in between them,
is where True Love will wait,
just as She had waited, in Her heart and mind,
so now She was rewarded by his love in kind.

he knew beyond the shadows,
he saw beyond the wall,
he felt within his Spirit,
that She would hear his call.

and call to Her he did now,
and answer him She would,
and all at once their sorrow,
did vanish where T/they stood.

and now the pain has left T/them,
and now T/they let it go,
and now T/they are not grieving,
for what T/they have to show.

Once in walls, and once did roam,
the two of T/them together, yet alone,
Upon the chance of Union,
T/they will bet T/their lives.

From present day 'til Kingdom Come,
What was sundered and undone,
Behold! Rejoice! At last!
the T/two;
made One.

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My Fookin' "About Me" Section

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Charleston, SC, United States
Call me "ish" I am returning to school to gain a degree and make a better life for myself and those I love. I feel that art, in all it's forms, reflects the human condition in ways that nothing else can.