My Fookin' Followers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Declined (Rhemy's Tail Part IV)

"What is there about you,
that makes you think you should,
be the one I jump with,
in all this lovely wood?

Is not the fox, covered in his red,
faster, smarter, less easily lead?

Do not the humans in their human way,
prefer the comp'ny of dogs,
that prance and bark and beg?

Why should I pick you?
so scrawny, and afraid?
what can you offer me,
that I cannot get from them?"

Rhemy tugged his ears and sat and thought on it.
and tho he gave forth effort, he'd no answer at first.
But finally inspiration,
struck him on the pate,
and words that volleyed forth just then,
would seal and decide his fate

"i'm not a fox, and not a dog,
but i'd do most anything,
for one whose love comes from within,
and leads my heart to sing

there aren't enough of words unkind,
for those who lie and cheat,
for those who promise to remain,
and leave an empty seat.

i've met them all, and they have seen,
the woeful tapestry,
that comes from listening to things,
like 'the best of you and me'

so here i'll leave you,
as i can see,
you've not a bit of heart,
you ask of me,
what cannot be,
and so i will depart."

She watched him go,
disdain on her
and oozing from the trees,

but Rhemy knew,
beyond a doubt,
that he'd made the right choice.

He hopped away,
on journey still,
and adventures would appease,

the feeling hollow,
in his chest,
and venom in her voice.

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My Fookin' "About Me" Section

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Charleston, SC, United States
Call me "ish" I am returning to school to gain a degree and make a better life for myself and those I love. I feel that art, in all it's forms, reflects the human condition in ways that nothing else can.