My Fookin' Followers

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Chase Begins (Rhemy's Tail Part V)

Loping slowly, through the trees,
Rhemy had to halt.
He was now filled, with vague unease,
something here was wrong.

Within the silence of the wood,
the birds had ceased to sing.
O'erhead there was no sign,
of feather or of wing.

And Rhemy knew, within his fur,
that this would not bode well,
there were always dangers, within the wood,
that one may never smell.

His sight was keen, and in the green
and leafy wood he moved,
slowly now, with caution's song,
and creeping below thickets,

The dark was midnight, the sun had set,
and this was the most dangerous time,
when cheerful rabbits,
like our Rhemy,
should be in hole, abed.

But Rhemy wasn't at all afraid,
tho' his tiny heart hammered in his chest,
he was simply full of doubt,
that continuing was best,
in moonlight's glare, he'd have no warning,
if fox or wolf should find him first,
and his mother'd be left mourning,
her tears would slake earth's thirst.

And as he moved, so slow and cautious,
there came a sudden snap,
followed by the growl and barking,
of foxes on the hunt.

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My Fookin' "About Me" Section

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Charleston, SC, United States
Call me "ish" I am returning to school to gain a degree and make a better life for myself and those I love. I feel that art, in all it's forms, reflects the human condition in ways that nothing else can.