My Fookin' Followers

Saturday, July 9, 2011


A single drop of rain
rolls down the glass
cracks the pane
the heat and sweat
mingle and melt in steam and fire

lightning strikes
and thunder peals
quickens pace and pulse
deep and loud
throb and pound
darkly bright in the midnight sky

the sound rolls over my skin
caressing and teasing, working it's way in
a demand that won't be met
i'm burning up, wet

the flood now at bay
refusing to go away
pouring out and over soon
a whisper in a silent tomb

so close
so far
so inside of me
i need
i cry
You own me
the rain calls
and i will follow
leading my steps to Your touch

My Fookin' "About Me" Section

My photo
Charleston, SC, United States
Call me "ish" I am returning to school to gain a degree and make a better life for myself and those I love. I feel that art, in all it's forms, reflects the human condition in ways that nothing else can.